No More Cheat Days

When someone says, “I want to start eating right,” Do you hear responses that are encouraging or distracting? I get responses like “Are you ok?” “So, you’re doing a super foods diet?” Eating right is hard but I’m committed to stay the course.  The problem is getting started and being consistent. Get out of your head and focus on the end results…feeling great!

It’s simple, I want to live longer. Now that I have a set weight goal, I understand that ego is a driving force behind my wellness mission as well. January 2021, I started eating seeds, green vegetables, beans and fruit without taking “breaks”. Breaks are meals with meat. I’m already seeing results of weight loss, refreshed skin tone and increased energy levels. Growing up, I would eat bologna sandwiches, peanut butter, cereal – sometimes with milk. Whatever was in front of me, I would eat it.  Playing basketball kept me in good physical shape and I did not pay attention to my food intake. My excuse was, “I’m young and exercising.” Now that I’m in my 50s, eating heavy foods result in 45 minutes on the treadmill. It’s not about setting a timeline. My plan is to make a lifestyle change and be mindful on my cheat days.

I understand that eating clean and exercising will keep my immune system strong. As I continue through this process, self-talk will keep me focused. I took two bites of a slice of meat lovers pizza the week of February 17. Thirty minutes later my stomach felt like bubble guts, not right. The way that my clothes fit, let’s me know if I’m moving in the right direction. This helps me to focus on specific body goals – definition, flexibility and balance.

Stay moving around and positioning yourself with liked-minded people will keep you encouraged and make this journey worthwhile.

Superb Changes

