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Health & Wellness

I want to capture the individual’s mind, body and soul.  Yes, you are a winner.  You are winning by making the decision to Maintain Your Sexy. Identify your sexy, own it and level up.  I’ve struggled in my own process. As I looked at my circle of friends, family and fitness mates I began to devalue my own self- worth. There were times that I compared my fitness level, work status, home ownership and finances to the group. I assumed that these folks made better life choices.  Not factoring each one had their own journey. I’m a mother of two women, teach discipleship course called Master Life, water aerobics and, I openly give spiritual wisdom to those who are seeking a pathway to their own spiritual journey. Why would you give your wins to the enemy? Stop forfeiting your victory – you’re still in the game. Go the extra mile, process your decision making, put your thoughts into actions and go. These are my thoughts and truths that me find ways to cope with life.  The perspectives that I choose to give should uniformly fulfill the readers in mind, body and soul. Avoid neglecting one area without the other two.  We tend want to feed one area and believe that other two are not affected. Having the idea of wanting to elevate and being better is not a selfish desire.  Some people are not there yet, and that is ok.  The spiritual journey is evolving so adjust according. When I was a child, talked like a child, I thought like child, I reasoned like a child. When became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me (First Corinthians 13, 11).  These keys are for you to unlock or close doors in your journey.

Valerie Leslie is a Louisville, KY native, serving the community through spiritual guidance, health and wellness.  Be on the look for more keys.