This fitness journey has been a challenge for me. I’m that guy who is turned off when people use excuses as reasons not to accomplish things or even try. We take time and life for granted not realizing how fast opportunities pass you by. There are 24 hours in a day, 7 hours of sleeping, 10 hours of work, 3 hours of home life. What’s the plan for the remaining 4 hours? My plan is to finish my book, stay in physical shape and enjoy my fruits of labor. It’s about impacting your life and I hope you can be inspired by my experiences. I recommitted to my fitness journey in February 2020. My weekly regime consists of stair climbing, golfing, walking outside, weightlifting and using the treadmill. My focus areas are to increase endurance, boost in energy and core strength. The stair climbing machine is something that would give me nightmares. In the beginning, I set the speed to 4 with a resistance of 5. During the recovery time, I would stop the machine to catch my breath. People watching motivated me to keep going and challenge myself to the next levels on the machine. Three weeks later, I no longer stop the machine to recover. The climber is on level one for one minute, so I can catch my breath, hydrate and then start again. This session usually lasts for 45 minutes. Since COVID, I’ve pumped the breaks on going to the gym, which has resulted for me to be creative with my workout. I’ve made adjustments to my weekly regime. The process consists of eating healthier, limiting sweets to once a week, walking in the neighborhood and city parks.
Check out Herb’s No More Cheat Days blog.
Herbert Crook is a Louisville, KY native, University of Louisville basketball champion, former professional athlete, currently working in sales. Be on the look for more insights.