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Therapy – Get You Some!

Therapy entered into my life as a child of divorce. It was always an option for me. Ultimately, obtaining a Masters of Social Work was my way of contributing to the world. My skills have helped others, but equally I benefited from self-work with my therapist. I am able to take the calls from so many and provide compassionate guidance because I practice preventative care through ongoing therapy. The death of my uncle by suicide and the tragic losses of loved ones made me close acquaintances with therapy again; resulting in me becoming an evangelist to increase awareness of behavioral health resources.

While assisting clients to declutter their lives I observed that those who participated in ongoing therapy experienced better results in the decluttering process, as opposed to those who did not. In addition, Covid and the recent killings of Black men and women by police has had an enormous impact on the mental health of especially Black people. Watching my clients and community struggle to process what’s happening in the world, in their personal lives and in their communities I decided to reach out and connect with therapist to build a resource list.

Seeking help is a sign of strength, not a weakness. The biggest barriers to therapy are 1. taking the first step to make the call. 2. finding a therapist that you trust; and 3. finding one that you can afford. Two weeks ago my resource page for therapy went live. I personally interviewed and know the therapist highlighted on the page. Since majority of my clients are Black, three out of the four therapist listed are Black. My goal is to help make the therapist search less stressful. If you use the resources, please feel free to share your experience with me, good or bad.

My aim is to support my clients and friends on life’s journey. On June 30th NBC Wold News had a story tilted Black Americans Face Mental Health Care Crisis. It’s a public health issue! In the past three weeks I have received at least three calls a week for therapy referrals. Please share my therapy resource page with your loved ones. The only gain for me from the referrals is knowing that someone is taking the ultimate step to practicing self-care and self-preservation. We have to utilize all of our resources to heal, let go, grow and thrive.

Check out Kenya’s other two blogs Home Sanctuary and KonMari & Letting Go.

Kenya Casey