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Fit women exercising at the gym on an x-trainer

Working Remotely

2020 was full of growth and changes. Not only did I turn up my cooking game and adjust my workout time, but a new opportunity fell into my lap. Working from home was something different and I was determined to make it work. Prior to Covid-19, my workday started at the gym, followed by a shower, coffee and off to the downtown office. When the global shutdown began and my office encouraged working remotely, I jumped at the chance. I had several questions. How will this work? I need to setup a home office. Will my productivity slowdown? How do I manage work, breaks or lunch time? What will be my new distractions? Reading work from home articles helped. Keeping a normal weekday regime was a common theme. So, my morning workouts occur my living room, with a shower immediately following. Next, grab herbal tea and begin my day. Work from home has been a positive experience. Other benefits are:

  • Work Life Balance
  • Less Commute Stress
  • Location Independence
  • Improved Inclusivity
  • Saving Money
  • Increased Productivity & Performance
  • Healthier Work Life

Weekly work meetings continued virtually, work and customer calls didn’t stop. Along with all the side-effects of the pandemic, Louisville, KY was the mecca center of social unrest. I work in transportation, and there were times when bus routes were disrupted and adjusted daily. In addition to me working from home, my daughter made the decision to stay home and attend college remotely. For 10 months, my office was the dining room. Working in the space where I eat created new challenges. Daily, I would move my workstation to the dining table, then move work to the small corner table to eat lunch and at the end of the day for dinner. The back and forth, food on my paperwork and the piles developing on the corner table was becoming frustrating – not sexy! And since I’m positioned in the center of house, complaints from my daughter while on work calls were more frequent. As you can guess, this space became messy and distracting several months into it.

In January 2021, the sunroom where I read, take phone calls, or just sit and relax became my new workspace. After a couple of trips to IKEA and bossing my friend around, I now have a functional workspace. My music and calls are no longer too loud, and I do not have to hear sighs from the nearby room. I’ve been asked, “How do you stay disciplined? Do you miss working with people?” Keeping a normal weekday routine helps me to stay focus and manage time. I’m able to multitask, be thorough in my work and maintain a work life balance. My week is filled with calls and zoom meetings. I feel connected more than ever. Having the time to strategize, reflect and perform gives me the room to improve personally and professionally.